The World Series is the final post-season Series of Major League Baseball, which is played between the National and American league champions. For playing in the month of October, it is also known as the Autumn Classic. The winner of the Series is the first to win four of seven games except in 1903, 1919, 1920, and 1921 when he was the winner of five of nine games. The World Series has been played annually since 1903, with the exception of 1904 and 1994. The most-earned team is the New York Yankees that has won the Series 27 times. In 1994 the World Series was not played due to a strike by ballplayers that ended the season on 30 August after no employment agreement was reached with the team owners.
The name given to the 1903 World Championship Series was an eight-game series between the Pittsburgh Pirates, the National League and the Boston Americans (later the National League Series) known as American League Red Sox, winning the Boston team 5 to 3, later the Series was known as the World Series and later World Series.
In 1904, the owner of the National League champion team (New York Giants), John T. Brush, refused to participate on the grounds of a very large level difference between the two leagues (even though the American League had won the previous edition of the event). But by 1905, he proposed rules that would allow the contest to be played from the following year. The first rule is that players will receive pay only during the first four games of the Series, so there would be no interest in prolonging the Series beyond what is necessary. The second is that the management of the event would be done by the organization of the major leagues and not the clubs. These rules are still known as the Brush Rules.
In 1925, the sequence of games was adopted 2-3-2. That is, a team receives the first two games, it’s opponent the next three, and the first team the last two. Until the early 2000s, the 2-3-2 sequence alternated per year between leagues, but then a rule was imposed that the All-Star Winning League in July of each year has the Advantage of the Sequence.
In 1994, there was no World Series, due to a strike by ballplayers. In 2000, the World Series final was played between the two New York teams, the Mets and the Yankees, earning the latter the big win and giving the long-awaited “Train Series” for the first time in a century” Subway Series.”
The 2013 World Series was contested by the American League by the Boston Red Sox against the National League team, the Cardinals of Saint Louis and the Series was won by the Boston Red Sox in 6 games, awarding it thus its eighth crown. The most valuable player of this final was Dominican David Ortiz, The Big Papi.
The 2014 World Series was won by the San Francisco Giants to the Kansas City Royals 4 games to 3, the first time since 2002 that two wildcard teams were in the Fall Classic.
The 2015 World Series won him the Kansas City Royals’ New York Mets 4 games to 1, the first time in Autumn Classic history that two expansion teams face off.
The 2016 World Series was won by the Chicago Cubs in their first appearance since 1945 to the Cleveland Indians 4 games to 3, the first time since 1908 that the Cubs won the championship.
The 2017 World Series was won by the Houston Astros in their second appearance in the Fall Classic since 2005 and first as an American League team, they beat the Los Angeles Dodgers,4 games to 3, and win their first championship.
The 2018 World Series was won by the Boston Red Sox beat the Los Angeles Dodgers,4 games to 1.